Acquired hepatic encephalopathy due to leptospirosis in dog: A case report
Ashna S, Devi SS, Sajitha IS, Reshma RS and Mammen J Abraham
A carcass of four year old male dachshund presented to the Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, formed the material for the study. The dog had a history of nervous symptoms. In necropsy, jaundice, fatty liver, petechial hemorrhages on the kidney, splenic necrosis, catarrhal enteritis, and severe congestion in the brain were observed. Impression smear from hippocampus subjected to the direct fluorescent antibody technique to rule out the possibility of rabies. On histopathological examination, liver revealed fatty change. In kidney, desquamation of tubular epithelium with cast formation was observed. In intestines, infiltration of inflammatory cells in the mucosal layer with a proliferation of goblet cells. In brain, cerebral edema, gliosis, satellitosis, vacuolation were observed. Alzheimer’s type II cells could also be observed. Liver and kidney tissue samples were subjected to molecular examination and found positive for leptospirosis. Hence the condition was concluded as a case of acquired hepatic encephalopathy due to leptospirosis.
Ashna S, Devi SS, Sajitha IS, Reshma RS, Mammen J Abraham. Acquired hepatic encephalopathy due to leptospirosis in dog: A case report. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(2):777-779.