Insect-pest and disease management in onion with farmer’s participatory approach in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh
Ashish Kumar Tripathi and KS Yadav
Onion (Allium cepa) is a valuable cash vegetable and spice commodity consumed all over the world. Cultivation of Onion depends on many biotic and abiotic factors. Due to climatic variability heavy infestation of thrips and Stemphylium blight disease occurred in Onion in Madhya Pradesh. Apart from this poor management and imbalance fertiliser application resulted bulb rot imparts to about 15- 30% losses during storage of different fungi. The average of the results of on farm trails at 55 locations showed that the population of thrips controlled 80 per cent and stemphilium blight disease managed by 66.9 per cent and yield increased by 25.5 per cent (145 q to 182 q/ha) by the adoption of IPM package (The seedling treatment with Trichoderma viride @ 10 gm/lit of water, installation of blue sticky trap @ 150 /ha, spray of Spinosad at 40-45 day after planting followed by a spray of tebuconazole at 55-60 days). The additional cost of IPM in onion Rs 7000 per hectare given Rs. 29600 per hectare as additional returns. By the adoption of proper management fungal infection reduced from 63.0 to 30.0 per cent (52.1%) and increased shelf life of Onion in storage.
Ashish Kumar Tripathi, KS Yadav. Insect-pest and disease management in onion with farmer’s participatory approach in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(2):868-870.