Evaluation of various integrated rodent management modules in rice-vegetable cropping system at upper Brahmaputra valley zone, Assam
Dr. Mousumi Phukon, Dr. Ratul Kr Borah and Dr. BC Dutta
Four species of rodent pests viz., Bandicota bengalensis bengalensis, Mus booduga, Dremomys lokriah macmillani and Rattus sikkimensis were recorded from the rice-vegetable cropping system of Allengmora village of Jorhat, Assam during 2016-17 out of which B. bengalensis was the most predominant species. Field experiments were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of five integrated rodent management modules against the rodent pests in kharif rice followed by rabi vegetables in rice-vegetable cropping system. All the modules showed superior over control. Among all modules of the present investigation, MII (cultural practices + castor oil as repellent + trapping with local bamboo traps + poison baiting with Zn phosphide and bromadiolone + burrow smoking) was found to be significantly superior with 72.9, 72.6, 78.8% at tillering, panicle initiation and harvesting stage of kharif rice and 67.4, 94.8, 80.3% control success in reduction of live burrow count at seedling, vegetative and harvesting stage of rabi vegetables respectively over control. The order of modules in terms of efficacy was MII>MI>MIV>MIII>MV. Module MII was recorded with highest benefit cost ratio of 1.34: 1 in kharif rice and 4.45: 1 in rabi vegetables among all followed by MI, MIV, MIII and MV in both the crops with efficacy in reduction of rodent population and their damage.
Dr. Mousumi Phukon, Dr. Ratul Kr Borah, Dr. BC Dutta. Evaluation of various integrated rodent management modules in rice-vegetable cropping system at upper Brahmaputra valley zone, Assam. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(2):1057-1061.