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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 2
Quantifying the Salmonella spp. at critical stages of poultry processing by miniature MPN techniques (mMPN)

Dr. RN Waghamare, Dr. AM Paturkar, Dr. VM Vaidya, RJ Zende and Dr. SD Ingole

In India automated, semi-automated and retails shop poultry slaughter units have different sets of practices. These various processing practices could have a significant effect on the microbial quality of the poultry meat. In poultry processing defeathering, evisceration and chlorine wash stages has considered as critical stages for control of Salmonella contamination. In this view present study aims quantification of Salmonella at critical stages of poultry processing with a different set of practices. A total of 48 swab samples were collected from critical stages of poultry processing for quantification of Salmonella spp.. Samples were subjected for Salmonella quantification by miniaturized most probable number (mMPN) based on ISO 6579-2002. Positive samples were confirmed by biochemical tests and PCR (invA gene) method. Twelve of the 48 (25%) samples were positive for Salmonella at three distinct sampling points. The range of Salmonella count in terms of MPN index/10cm2 (Log MPN Count/10cm2) of post-defeathering samples from retail shop and semi-automated processing unit were 7.33 -14.18 (0.865 – 1.17 log) and 3.05 -7.33 (0.484 – 0.865 log), respectively, whereas of post-evisceration were 19.81 – 45.36 (1.297 – 1.657 log) and 11.02- 15.04 (1.042 – 1.17 log), respectively. One sample at post chlorination stage [3.59 (0.555 log)] and post evisceration stage [19.81 (1.297 log)] were found positive at semi-automated and automated processing unit, respectively. Higher occurrence of Salmonella was observed at defeathering and evisceration stages of poultry processing. Incorporation of appropriate controlled chlorination stage after evisceration in retail shop and semi-automated poultry processing could be useful for the reduction of Salmonella load on carcasses.
Pages : 1089-1093 | 683 Views | 211 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Dr. RN Waghamare, Dr. AM Paturkar, Dr. VM Vaidya, RJ Zende, Dr. SD Ingole. Quantifying the Salmonella spp. at critical stages of poultry processing by miniature MPN techniques (mMPN). J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(2):1089-1093.

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