Biochemical variations of carbohydrates in relation to the breeding cycle of female tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters)
JGK Pathan and VV Baile
Tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, is highly evolved and multiple breeders euryhaline fish. After evaluating the gonadosomatic index and percentage dominance of particular types of oocytes, breeding cycle in females is divided into preparatory, prespawning, spawning and posts pawning phases. Carbohydrates in nervous, endocrine and somatic tissues with respect to the ovarian cycle are ascertained by their histochemical demonstration and biochemical estimations. Brain and pituitary has highest carbohydrate in prespawning phase, lowest in posts pawning phase. On the contrary, ovary has highest carbohydrate content in spawning, and lowest in the posts pawning phase. Liver and muscles show highest carbohydrate in the preparatory and lowest in the spawning phase. An explicit co-relation exists in these metabolites in nervous, endocrine, somatic and reproductive components in O. mossambicus.
JGK Pathan, VV Baile. Biochemical variations of carbohydrates in relation to the breeding cycle of female tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters). J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(2):1242-1245.