Biology and life cycle of maize cyst nematode (Heterodera zeae)
Rani N, Ravindra H, Mukesh Sehgal, Suresha D Ekabote, Girijesh GK and Ganapthi
The present study on biology and life cycle of maize cyst nematode was carried out under glass house, Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Shivamogga to know the biology and time required to complete the life cycle of maize cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae on maize (Hytech 5402).The study revealed that, the second stage juveniles of maize cyst nematode, H. zeae are the infective stage and penetrated maize roots at 48 h of inoculation. After penetration, the third stage juveniles were observed on the 7th day of inoculation. Fourth stage juvenile at 13th and adult females at 18th day after inoculation were observed, respectively. The mature cyst of H. zeaewas observed on the 23rd day after inoculation. Thus, the maize cyst nematode, H. zeae on maize complete total life cycle of 23 days after inoculation of second stage juvenile.