Prospects of compressed complete feed blocks as ruminant feed for sustainable livestock production: A review
AK Patil, RK Jain, MK Mehta, V Agrawal, NS Choudhary, GP Jatav and SK Karmore
Effective utilization of available feed resources is the key for economical livestock rearing. Complete feed system is one of the latest developments to exploit the potential of animal feed resources in the best possible way. The concept of feeding complete rations comprising of fibrous crop residues to dairy animals are popular among farmers. The role of complete ration is to provide a blend of the feed ingredients including roughages without giving any choice to the animal for selection of specific ingredient. Complete feed blocks are solidified high density blocks comprising forage, concentrate and other supplementary nutrients in the desired proportion capable to fulfill nutrient requirements of animals. The technology also has the potential to provide complete feed to livestock under emergency Situations created by natural calamities. Production of these types of feeds are very much important for enhancing the productivity of animals and for making use of the available low cost feed material.
AK Patil, RK Jain, MK Mehta, V Agrawal, NS Choudhary, GP Jatav, SK Karmore. Prospects of compressed complete feed blocks as ruminant feed for sustainable livestock production: A review. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(2):1263-1267.