Dystocia due to pre-cervical uterine torsion in a Nellore brown ewe
B Balamurugan, YV Pridhvidhar Reddy and K Jyothi
Nellore brown sheep in its third parity was presented with the complaint of completed full term gestation but no showing any signs of lambing since two days. Bimanul abdominal palpation revealed presence of fetus. On per-vaginal examination, right side pre-cervical uterine torsion was observed. All the vital parameters were within the physiological range. Correction of uterine torsion was done using modified Schaffer’s method. Following correction, one dead male lamb relieved through mutational operations. Ewe had an uneventful recovery after treatment.
B Balamurugan, YV Pridhvidhar Reddy, K Jyothi. Dystocia due to pre-cervical uterine torsion in a Nellore brown ewe. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(3):412-413.