Diagnostico-therapeutic management of theileriosis affected cross-bred cattle
Naresh Singh Kuntal, Shiv Kumar Sharma, Hiteshwar Singh Yadav, Shantanu Kumar Kuldeep and Peer Rayees Aziz
A case of HF cross-bred cattle of seven years old with history of ticks, fever, reduced feed and water intake, bilateral nasal discharge, lacrimation, six months pregnant was presented to VCC Navania. On clinical examination revealed high body temperature, increased respiration, tachycardia with enlarged lymph nodes. It was suspected for Theileriosis and different laboratory diagnoses were performed. Smear was made from peripheral blood sample. On Giemsa staining Koch blue bodies were identified in the lymphocytes. Haematological parameters were done using peripheral blood samples. RBC`s, WBC`s, haemoglobin and packed cell volume found decreased as compared to normal values. The present case report showed that Theileria infection in cattle might be associated with haematological changes and successfully treated with single dose of Inj. Buparvoquone (2.5 mg/kg i.m.) and Inj. Oxytetracycline for next three days along with supportive therapy.