Quantitative changes of heamocytes in Spodoptera litura Fab. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae in response to different insecticides
Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Altaf Sabri, Asad Abdullah, Muhammad Jaffar Hussain and Muhammad Younus Ahmdani
Quantitative studies concerning abnormalities and hemolytic activity was performed under laboratory conditions for larvae of Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Four insecticides (decarafluron 50EC, emamectin benzoate 1.9EC, chlorpyrifos 40EC and abamectin 1.8EC) were studied for the immunosuppressive activity of 5th instar larvae of S. litura. Immunosuppression was assessed by examining changes in total heamocytes count and differential heamocytes count. Newly ecdysed 5th instar larvae (normal) total heamocytes count of 1.6x103 cells/mm3. But a great decline in total heamocytes count was observed by the application of decarafluron and drastically increase due to the application of abamectin. From five different types of heamocytes, proheamocytes were found the most sensitive to insecticidal stress and rupturing of the cell wall was identified as the most common abnormality. The observations suggest that insecticides are capable of inducing multiple forms of cell death in S. litura larvae.
Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Altaf Sabri, Asad Abdullah, Muhammad Jaffar Hussain, Muhammad Younus Ahmdani. Quantitative changes of heamocytes in Spodoptera litura Fab. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae in response to different insecticides. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(3):533-537.