Insect pest complex of apple nurseries in North Kashmir
Shahida Altaf, Ishtiyaq Ahad, SS pathania, GM Lone, FA Peer and Showkat Maqbool
Studies were carried out during the year 2016-17 in apple nursery of Faculty of Agriculture Wadura. The purpose was to monitor insect pest complex of apple nursery. Fruit trees in Jammu and Kashmir like other plantations are facing many problems like varying climatic conditions, undulating topography, soil conditions and soil erosion. They are exposed to ravages of pests. These crops are prone to attack by pests which are one of the major limiting factors. Fourteen insect-pests of four different orders were recorded at the experimental site, among these 4 insects belonged to Hmiptera (Quadraspidiots pernicious, Aphis pomi, Anuraphis spp, Halyomorpha hayla), 7 to Coleoptera (Altica spp, Chaetocnema pulicaria, Melolontha furcicauda, Brahmina spp Holotrichia longipennis, Oryctes spp, Protaettia speciosa) and 2 each to Lepidoptera (Choristoneura roseceana, Rhopobota navena) and Homoptera (Typhlocyba pomaria), respectively. Apart from these, 14 insect species 2 non-insect pests / mite species belonging to order 2 Acrina (Panonychus ulmi, Tetranychus urticae) were recorded from the site. All the parts of the plant like leaves flowers twigs and roots were damaged by foliage feeders while sucking insect pests sucked the plant sap. Among these San Jose scale and leaf rollers caused serious damage to the nurseries.
Shahida Altaf, Ishtiyaq Ahad, SS pathania, GM Lone, FA Peer, Showkat Maqbool. Insect pest complex of apple nurseries in North Kashmir. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(3):697-700.