Morphometric variations of species of tsetse fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) and their prevalence in federal capital territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria
Oyerinde AA, Malann YD, Ogbanje ED, Omara-Achong TE and Alagoa JA
Total sample of four hundred and eighty (480) tsetse flies (Glossina) were collected from three randomly selected Area Councils of Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja namely: Abaji, Kwali and Gwagwalada. The multivariate morphometric analysis was made with MiScope microscope (Mag. 40-140x). The morphometric variables measured include: the length of body, proboscis, antennae, femur, tibia, tarsi, largest part of the body (abdomen) at the widest point and length and width of the forewing. Data were analyzed with parametric statistic tools of mean and standard deviation. The distribution and relation between them were subjected to two-step and hierarchical cluster analysis. Also, the dendrogram plot was used to show the phylogenetic relationship of the species. Results show the presence of two morphometrically distinct Glossina species in the FCT. Glossina tachinoides recorded 67.5% while G. morsitans was 32.5 % of collections. The distribution of species per Area Council showed majority of G. tachinoides i.e. 73.4%, 51.6% and 81.9% in Gwagwalada, Abaji and Kwali respectively while the remaining flies were G. morsitans. The correlation of morphometric features with sampling sites i.e. Area Councils gave insignificant negative correlations while highly significant correlations (p<0.01) were established between the morphometric variables of the tsetse flies. The Dendogram plot based on variations in morphometric features revealed linkages between the different samples collected. This gives an indication that the samples were of the same descent and shows that the morphometric based features can be engaged in classifying tsetse fly into species in FCT, Abuja.
Oyerinde AA, Malann YD, Ogbanje ED, Omara-Achong TE, Alagoa JA. Morphometric variations of species of tsetse fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) and their prevalence in federal capital territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(3):947-954.