Composition and diversity of fish and shell fish catch of trawl net along the Veraval coast, Gujarat, India
KV Tank, VC Bajaniya and JB Solanki
The present work aimed to obtain precise data on the catch of the trawl net operated along the Veraval coast, Gujarat from August 2010 to May 2013. Throughout the study period 90 marine species (70 finfish and 20 shell fish) were recorded. Ribbon fish, thread fin bream, squid, lizard fish and cuttlefish forms a major proportion of the catch. The catch of lizard fish was continuously increasing whereas catch of commercial important variety like shrimp and croaker declined. Majority of fishermen were using two seam net of less than 40 mm cod-end mesh size which contributed a sizable quantity of juveniles and by-catch. Some innovative fishermen have adopted square mesh cod-end for responsible fishing. Trawlers with average LOA 13.38 meter and average registered tonnage was 9.35 ton was recorded. CPUE were declined from 45 to 30 kg/day/boat which indicates that the number of efforts increases as overall catch was declined. Appropriate measures need to implement to overcome the effect of overexploitation of fish stock.
KV Tank, VC Bajaniya, JB Solanki. Composition and diversity of fish and shell fish catch of trawl net along the Veraval coast, Gujarat, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(3):1007-1010.