IM Allaie, RA Shahardar, A Prasad, SR Tramboo, ZA Wani, SS Kubra and I Maqbool
The present study revealed the presence of different snail genera in central Kashmir. A total of seven genera of snails comprising of Lymnaea auricularia; Indoplanorbis exustus; Bithynia tentaculata; Lymnaea stagnalis; Zootecus spp.; Corbicula spp.and Macrochlamys indica were identified during a period of six months in central Kashmir.
IM Allaie, RA Shahardar, A Prasad, SR Tramboo, ZA Wani, SS Kubra, I Maqbool. Prevalence of snails in central Kashmir, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(3):1018-1020.