Ozone fumigation in stored paddy: Changes in moisture content upon storage
K Sunisha
Ozone is a highly reactive gas with insecticidal properties. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of ozone gas against Rhyzopertha dominica adults in paddy grains. Trials were conducted using ozone gas at three different concentrations and two different moisture contents in order to achieve complete mortality of the adult insects. The treated paddy grains were stored for two months and variations in moisture content upon storage were determined. The results indicated that exposure time of ozone required to achieve 100 per cent mortality of R. dominica adults in paddy grains at a moisture of 12.40% (w.b.) were 540, 360 and 270 min at 500, 1000 and 1500 ppm of ozone respectively. Grains at the moisture content of 14.20% (w.b.) treated under the same conditions required 610, 390 and 300 min respectively to achieve 100 percent mortality.