Bioefficacy of neem formulations against the rice yellow stem borer S. incertulas (Walk.)
M Balasubramamiam and K Kumar
Bioefficacy of neem formulations against the rice yellow stem borer, S. incertulas (Walk.) was evaluated with the help of two supervised field experiments conducted during kharif 2016 and rabi 2016-17 at PAJANCOA & RI. The experiment was laid out in RBD with eight treatments and three replications including control, the variety used was ADT 45. Two foliar applications were given for controlling rice stem borer. The results revealed that, the overall mean per cent damage was low in the treatment with dinotefuran 20 SG @ 200 g/ha (4.91,5.06%/hill) and (5.24,3.17%/hill) with a per cent reduction of 60.65,61.37 per cent and 56.26,80.11 per cent in the field experiments I and II respectively. Among the neem formulations, the treatment with multineem 1.0% EC @ 2500 ml/ha recorded lower yellow stem borer damage (7.89,6.73%/hill) and (6.96,5.46%/hill) with a per cent reduction of 36.77,48.62 per cent and 41.90,65.75 per cent as compared to the untreated check. The highest yield was observed in the treatment with dinotefuran 20 SG @ 200 g/ha (4.31 and 5.77 t/ha) and among the neem formulations, multineem 1% EC @ 2500 ml/ha recorded a highest yield (3.90 and 5.40t/ha) as compared to the untreated check (2.85 and 3.40 t/ha).
M Balasubramamiam, K Kumar. Bioefficacy of neem formulations against the rice yellow stem borer S. incertulas (Walk.). J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(3):1145-1149.