Meena M, Patel P, Saini S, Gurjar T, Gogoi R and Meena OP
Gomutra(Cow urine) is an important part of Indian tradition. From the ancient period cow’s urine has been used as a medicine. Cow (Bos indicus) urine/Gomutrahas been elaborately explained in Ayurveda and described in “Sushruta Samhita”, “Ashtanga Sangraha” and other Ayurvedic texts as an effective medicinal substance/secretion of animal origin with innumerable therapeutic properties. It has various important medicinal and therapeutic values. Cow urine is one of the five contents of Panchagavya which obtain from cow(Urine, milk, ghee, curd and dung). The treatment done by using Panchgavya products of cow called, Cowpathy (Panchgavya chikitsa). Several diseases like cancer, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, AIDS, GI disturbances etc. are increasing day by day. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics in higher amount is also responsible for increase in antibiotic resistant infectious diseases like Tuberculosis. Gomutra(Cow urine) is scientifically proven to act as Bioenhancer. Various actions and researches on cow urine are summarized in this article. However, more studies experimental as well as clinical trials can throw better light on it.