Effect of different feeding rates on growth and survival of Indian major carp seed
BR Honnananda, Manoj Kumar and Krishana Kumar Choudhary
Optimum feeding rate of Indian major carp, Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala fry was determined by feeding rice bran and mustard oil cake diet (RB+MOC) in 1:1 ratio at three feeding rates (T1-4%, T2-8% and T3-12% of body weight per day) for 60 days. Feeding trial was conducted in triplicate. Indian Major Carp fry (3.52-3.58cm, 0.52-0.57g) were randomly stocked at the rate of 20 fish per 500 litre capacity FRP tank. Total body length and body weight gain of fishes increased as feeding rates increased upto 12% body weight, but there is no significance difference (P > 0.05) has been observed between the total body length and body weight gain of fish fed on 8% of body weight (T2) and 12% of body weight (T3). The best specific growth rate (8.07±0.33 % per day) and survival (70±2.89 %) were evident at the ration size of 12% body weight, but there is no significant difference (P > 0.05) between 8% and 12 % ration size. Food conversion ratio (FCR) of 2.22 was significantly higher (p<0.05) in fish fed on ration size 12% of body weight whereas, the least value of 1.32 was obtained in fish fed on 8% of body weight daily. Water quality parameters such as water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen recorded fortnightly and were found within the ranges for fish culture. Based on the above results, it is recommended that feeding rate 8% body weight per day would be optimal for the best growth performance of Indian Major Carp fry.
BR Honnananda, Manoj Kumar, Krishana Kumar Choudhary. Effect of different feeding rates on growth and survival of Indian major carp seed. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(3):1391-1395.