Dry surimi powder from Pangasianodon hypophthalmus: A raw material for protein fortification
S Nath and AK Singh
Surimi, the deboned concentrated myofibrillar protein extracted from fish flesh mixed with cryoprotectant, can be converted to a dried form, surimi powder can be used in dry mixing. Thus, the objective of the study was to determine the shelf life of prepared surimi powder from Pangasianodon hypopthalmusunder refrigerated storage. The proximate composition, TPC (3.65±0.44 log cfu/g)and the quality parameters like TVB-N (10.97±0.23 mg/100gm), PV (4.57±0.18 meq active O2/kg) and pH (6.3±0.21) suggested a good quality of raw material witha final yield of surimi powder 13.10±0.75%. The biochemical parameters and TPC of both surimi and surimi powder were found to be well within the limit of acceptability. During shelf life estimation of surimi powder stored at 4OC, the significant (p<0.05) gradual increase in biochemical parameters over 210 days of storage suggesting that the surimi powder was acceptable till 210 days under refrigeration without crossing limit of acceptability.
S Nath, AK Singh. Dry surimi powder from Pangasianodon hypophthalmus: A raw material for protein fortification. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(3):1400-1405.