The study was conducted with thirty thousand BV-300 layer breeder female along with 12% males at Phoenix Poultry, Raipur (C.G.) to find out the reproductive and productive indices of BV-300 layer breeder reared on deep litter cum slatted floor. The feeding of birds was adjusted to fulfill the nutrient requirement (NRC, 1994) as per their age and egg production. To evaluate the reproductive performance of BV-300 breeders,Hatch Day Breakout Analysis was carried out. All reproductive failures are enumerated, totaled and the percentages calculated. For the optimum performance of BV-300 layer breeder chicken Standard managemental, vaccination and deworming schedule were followed for rearing. The average Hen day production, settable eggs, Feed intake/bird/day and average egg weight was 79.51%, 88.05%, 80.77%, 116.71g and 55.00g. However, the reproductive efficiency indices like fertility, hatchability, hatch of fertile, spread, estimated hatchability and sample index was 94.23%, 80.77%, 92.59%, 7.32, 90.05% and 2.81. From the study, it could be concluded that the BV-300 layer breeder exhibits reproductive and productive performance as per their standard values and is suitable for layer chicks and egg production.