Effect of Spirulina added as feed supplement on the growth performance and survival rate of Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792)
Htay Htay Win, Sandar Myint and Nyunt Lwin
To experiment the effect of Spirulina added as feed supplement on the growth and survival rate of Anabas testudineus. A total of 150 fingering was collected from Bantin village, and were reared in culture tanks providing rice bran, peanut cake and fish meal in a ration of 3:2:1 for two weeks; 60 healthy fishes were selected for treatment and control. A. testudineus was compared its growth by using formulated diets August 2015 to December 2015. These respective treatments were Diet-A and Diet-B (5% Spirulina). Diet-B was incorporated as a feeding supplement while Diet-A was kept as a controlled feed with routine diet. The survival rate was 100% in all diets. The maximum growth rate was observed in Diet-B fed fish. These were found to be highly significant (p<0.05). The experiment suggested that Spirulina can be recommended for augment and feed utilization in intensive culture of A. testudines.