Goat is earliest domesticated animal. Goat is a versatile animal having short generation interval with lower investment cost and higher prolificacy. Milk is the complete and first food of mammals which provides energy and nutrients needed for the proper growth and development. Goat milk is superior in nutrients and is having better digestibility, alkalinity, buffering capacity and certain therapeutic values. The present study was carried out at Goat farm, LPM, GBPUAT, Pantnagar. During the entire study the fresh milk samples of Pantja goats were analyzed for physico-chemical properties. The colour of Pantja goat milk was perfect white and overall average composition of Pantja goat milk i.e. water, fats, protein, carbohydrates, total solids, solids not fat, ash, titratable acidity, specific gravity and pH was 85.27, 4.96, 3.82, 5.09, 14.73, 10.06, 0.78, 0.130 per cent, 1.036 g/ml and 6.44, respectively.