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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 4
Investigations on copper and phosphorus deficiency associated post-parturient hemoglobinuria in dairy animals and clinical management with antioxidants

Farrah Deeba and Anas Sarwar Qureshi Qaiser Bashir

Post-parturient hemoglobinuria (PPH), is reported as one of the important metabolic condition in high yielding cattle and buffaloes cA total of 40 dairy animals which were affected with hemoglobinuria were selected from field cases. Clinical examination and color of urine before and after treatment in animals were used as evaluation criteria for recovery in affected dairy animals. In group A, sodium acid phosphate (Inj.Alphos-40™) 200-250 and 120g of dicalcium phosphate were given i/v and orally b.i.d, respectively, for seven days. In group B, N-acetyl cysteine (Mucolator®) was given IV @ 8 mg bid and vitamin C (Tab C-Cone 10g) were given intravenously and orally, respectively. The body temperature was subnormal to normal in post parturient hemoglobinuria affected animals in the present study. There were significant differences in TPR values in group A and Group B after treatment. Serum Ca level (7.41±0.99) increased with a significant difference after the treatment (11.0280±0.44081) in group A. In group B, a significant rise was found in mean serum P level before (2.90±0.73) and after (5.67±0.06) the treatment. Serum Ca level (5.6740±0.06142) increased with a significant difference after (9.84±0.17) the treatment in group B. Mean serum P level displayed significant difference (6.19±0.19) in group A and group B (5.67±0.06).Mean serum cu concentration in positive cases (0.584±0.114)µg/dl showed significant deficiency of the trace mineral in the study area. In group A, RBCs, platelet count, Hb and PCV showed a significant improvement (PË‚0.05) after treatment. Similarly, a significant difference (PË‚0.05) was found in hematological values after the treatment in group B. Hypophosphatemia and hypocupremia was a constant feature in all cases of hemoglobinuria in the present study. It is worth mentioning that both treatment protocols corrected hypophosphatemia adequately in PPH affected animals, but treatment with Sodium acid phosphate and DCP was successful in restoring serum phosphorus level and hematological values in haemoglobinuria cases followed by treatment with Mucolator combined with Tab. C-Cone.
Pages : 426-431 | 966 Views | 431 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Farrah Deeba, Anas Sarwar Qureshi Qaiser Bashir. Investigations on copper and phosphorus deficiency associated post-parturient hemoglobinuria in dairy animals and clinical management with antioxidants. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(4):426-431.

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