Diversity and abundance of fruit flies (Family: Tephritidae) in Myanmar’s tropical region and preliminary prospects for further AW-IPM
Kyaw Lin Maung, Yin Yin Mon, Myat Phyu Khine, Khin Nyein Chan, Aye Phyo and Aye Aye Khai
Because of flying distance, multi-host range, high reproduction, communication and adaptation to new environments, fruit flies were considered as one of the most destructive pests in the world. In this research, fruit flies surveillance, infestation percentages in mangoes and population dynamics of Bactrocera dorsalis were performed from 2016 to 2018 in Myanmar’s tropical region. During three years survey, the abundance of oriental fruit flies, B. dorsalis on the tropical fruits is57% among the other fruit flies. Twenty-one species of fruit flies were identified by collecting specimens from both traps and infested fruits. Among them, we found that B. dorsalis, B. correcta and B. cucurbitae are economically important fruit flies. The percentages of fruit fly infestations are increasing year by year from 2016 to 2018. The highest infestation on the host plant (mangoes) was 78.2±6.5%. According to the metrological data, B. dorsalis populations dynamic indicated that the highest flies/traps/days (FTD) numbers reached at a peak in June of each year (2016, 2017 and 2018). Therefore, our results reveal that the oriental fruit fly, B. dorsalis dominate among the other fruit flies and fruit fly infestation percentages are very high in Myanmar’s tropical region.
Kyaw Lin Maung, Yin Yin Mon, Myat Phyu Khine, Khin Nyein Chan, Aye Phyo, Aye Aye Khai. Diversity and abundance of fruit flies (Family: Tephritidae) in Myanmar’s tropical region and preliminary prospects for further AW-IPM. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(4):574-579.