A review paper-on pharyngeal jaw apparatus of family cichlidae
Surendra Kumar Ahirwal, Zeba Jaffer Abidi, Tarkeshwar Kumar, Jaspreet Singh and Bavithra R
Pharyngeal jaw apparatus is complex musculo-skeletal system which are modification of gill arch elements that is useful for masticating and transporting of food material. It consist of two independent upper plate and single fused lower plate that are containing various types of unicuspid, bicuspid or molariform dentition. Relationship between pharyngeal jaw for feeding and sound production may have profound evolutionary implications. It has serving as a possible mechanism for sound production; trophic biology and reproductive biology could be directly linked by this structure. Consequently, the dual use of the pharyngeal jaw may serve as a mechanism mediating the sympatric speciation of cichlid fishes. Intraspecific pharyngeal variations also occurred in some fishes that helpful to understanding lineage relationships.