Review on biofouling prevention using nanotechnology
S Archana and B Sundaramoorthy
Biofouling refers to undesirable colonization by microorganisms, macroalgae and invertebrates, leading man-made surfaces to subsequent bio deterioration. In the marine environment, this bioprocess affects surfaces such as pipes, water intake systems, desalination devices, probes and sensors, ship’s hulls, building materials and filters. It also damages mariculture facilities such as pipelines, cages etc. Antifouling is the process of controlling fouling of a surface. Commercial antifouling techniques include mechanical cleaning, biocides, toxic coatings etc. Copper based mixture works well for short term and serves as an ideal antifouling agent at least for three years after application. Copper based antifouling formulations affect the organisms other than the fouling organisms too. However their non-target effect is not as much as organo-metallic compounds. When copper is used in nano level, the impact on environment is much lesser. Recently nanotechnology has been evolved as a tool for the formation of antifouling coating. The result of scientific studies has revealed that the nanocoating prevents biofilm formation, bacterial adhesion besides the attachment of macro foulers. It has promising future in maritime industries including shipping in controlling the biofouling. Nanocoating of the metals with antifouling properties have shown positive results for the effective control of fouling in shipping industry in different parts of the world.