Correlation study of shoot and fruit borer infestation with morphologiocal traits of okra genotypes
Remi Kumari and Anshuman Tiwari
The correlation study was carried out in fifteen diverse genotypes of okra for shoot and fruit borer infestation and its component traits. The study revealed that shoot infestation showed positive significant correlation with fruit diameter and significant negative correlation with number of fruits per plant and fruit length. The fruit infestation based on number showed positive significant correlation with fruit diameter and significant negative correlation with number of fruits per plant and fruit length. The fruit infestation based on weight showed positive significant correlation with fruit diameter and significant negative correlation with number of fruits per plant and fruit length. Hence selection of genotypes with more fruit diameter and short fruit length will help to minimize the shoot and fruit borer infestation.
Remi Kumari, Anshuman Tiwari. Correlation study of shoot and fruit borer infestation with morphologiocal traits of okra genotypes. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(4):1333-1335.