Reaction of different sorghum hybrids against sorghum insect pest infestation
Rahul Patidar, SB Singh, Narendra Kamde and Rajesh Patidar
An experiment was conducted at the College of Agriculture Farm, Indore, Madhya Pradesh during 2015-16 to observe the impact of two dates of sowing on 39 hybrids against the insect pests viz., sorghum shoot fly (Atherigona soccata Rondani), stem borer (Chilo partellus Swinhoe), ear head worm (Cryptoblabes gnidiella Mab.), ear head bug (Calocoris angustatus Leth.). The impact of sowing time and performance of 39 hybrid genotypes was recorded and it was found that less incidence of shoot fly (dead hearts per cent) recorded in timely sown crop (23 June, 2015) as compared to late sown crop (15 July, 2015). However, the more infestation by stem borer in all three stages (leaf injury, dead heart, stem tunnelling per cent) as well as ear head pests (bug and worm) recorded in timely sown crop as compared to late sown crop. The incidence of shoot fly on sorghum was recorded at 21 DAE and 28 DAE and the minimum shoot fly attack was recorded in both the resistant checks IS 18551 and IS 2205 in timely and late sown condition. Among the entries CSH 30, SPH 1820, CSH 16, 9 A x I 27 (LC), SPH 1814, SPH 1813, CSH 23 and CSH 25 found resistant against shoot fly in timely sown crop. While, SPH 1781, SPH 1789, SPH 1783, SPH 1811, SPH 1787 and SPH 1776 was found susceptible against shoot fly in late sown crop. Whereas, maximum shoot fly damage was observed in susceptible checks Swarna and DJ 6514 in both the stages of timely and late sown crop.The leaf injury by stem borer under timely sowing condition was range between 2.33% to 14.00%. The minimum leaf injury per cent was observed in SPH 1776 (2.33%) whereas the maximum leaf injury was observed in DJ 6514 (14.00%). However, under late sowing condition, all the entries exhibited resistance against the pest. At 45 DAE, The lowest damage was recorded in resistant check IS 2205, IS 18551 (RC). However, maximum dead heart per cent was recorded in susceptible check Swarna (45.33%). Whereas, under late sown condition minimum dead heart per cent was recorded in SPH 1791 (3.33%) and it showed resistant reaction against stem borer with SPH 1820, SPH 1782, SPH 1819, SPH 1817, SPH 1821, SPH 1773, IS 18551 and SPH 1776.However, the maximum infestation received in susceptible check DJ 6514 (24.67%). The stem tunnelling per cent under timely sown crop condition ranged between 3.62% and 19.80% and finally all the entries exhibited resistance against the insect. Whereas, under late sown condition range of stem tunnelling was recorded between1.19% to 9.49%. Under timely sown crop condition bug and worm count ranged between 3.33and 12.33, 3.00and 15.33 respectively. However, under late sown condition the population of bug and worm ranged from 1.67 to 6.33 and 2.33 to 7.67.