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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 5
Supplementation of different emulsifiers on performance of broilers

RC Kulkarni, AD Dingore, SM Durge, OP Dinani and SA Amrutkar

This study was planned to evaluate two emulsifiers Orffa energizer-01 (OE1) and Orffa energizer-02 (OE2) having different Hydrophilic-lypophilc balance (HLB) values for diets with two different oil sources, soybean oil and rice bran oil on the performance of broilers. The trial was conducted on 240, Cobb-430 broiler chicks for the period of six weeks (0-6 weeks). Day-old commercial broiler chicks were randomly divided into six dietary treatments (T1 to T6), each consist of four replicates with 10 chicks in each replicate. T1 received control diet (without emulsifier) prepared with soybean oil and T2 received control diet (Without emulsifier) prepared with rice bran oil. The chicks from group T3 and T5 received feed containing soybean oil with addition of OE1 and OE2, respectively @ 350 g/Ton in each of the diets. Whereas, the chicks from T4 and T6 received feed containing rice bran oil with addition of OE1 and OE2, respectively @ 350 g/Ton in each of the diets. Both emulsifiers showed on both vegetable oils a significant positive effect on body weight gain over the whole period and both emulsifiers improved both the energy metabolizability and feed conversion ratio. The group T6 (Rice bran oil + OE2) performed best on body weight, overall body weight gain, energy metabolizability and feed conversion ratio. At the end of the trial the birds were between 69 and 175 g heavier depending on the treatment. The feed conversion ratios were by consequence recalculated to a body weight of 2500 g to compensate for the big differences in body weight. Recalculated feed conversion ratios showed a feed sparing effect of 37 and 56g per kg weight gain for the OE2 treatments on soybean oil and rice bran oil respectively. Hence, it is concluded that the effect of emulsifier EO2 on rice bran oil is higher than the effect on soybean oil. Rice bran oil with OE2 resulted in the highest body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio in broiler diet.
Pages : 25-29 | 1767 Views | 615 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
RC Kulkarni, AD Dingore, SM Durge, OP Dinani, SA Amrutkar. Supplementation of different emulsifiers on performance of broilers. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(5):25-29.

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