Temporospatial variation in zooplankton abundance and diversity in the Narmada River near Chutka, Madhya Pradesh, India
Vishal M Rasal, Swapnil G Yadre, Satya Prakash Shukla and Subrata Dasgupta
Various anthropogenic and climatic factors pose a threat to the ecological integrity of the river ecosystem. Temporal and spatial changes in zooplankton abundance and diversity predict the environmental health of the River stretch. The present study reveals that alteration in zooplankton composition occurs seasonally and location wise in the River Narmada around Chutka. Zooplankton community represent twenty-nine genera belong to Cladocera, Copepoda, Rotifera, Protozoa, larvae, and eggs of different species. The dominance of genera was in the order of Copepoda>Rotifera>Larval forms>Cladocera>Protozoa, which is almost similar to the zooplankton dominance reported earlier in the Narmada water at Jabalpur. The seasonal change in the abundance was distinct, and the highest population density was recorded in post-monsoon, while the lowest number of zooplankton was noticed in winter. Zooplankton community and individual genera show high and significant correlation with environmental factors, particularly with pH and hardness. A contrary, negative relationship existed between nitrite-nitrogen and individual zooplankton group. Shannon’s diversity index was low, but varied location wise. Overall results indicate spatial and temporal variation in the zooplankton population. Besides, the zooplankton population showed spatial diversity and correlation with chemical parameters of the Narmada water.
Vishal M Rasal, Swapnil G Yadre, Satya Prakash Shukla, Subrata Dasgupta. Temporospatial variation in zooplankton abundance and diversity in the Narmada River near Chutka, Madhya Pradesh, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(5):716-723.