Diagnosis and therapeutic management of bovine theileriosis
Sateesh AG, Ravindra BG, Halmandge SC, Srikanth Kulkarni, Vivek R Kasaralikar and Patil NA
Bovine Theileriosis is a haemoprotozoan disease caused by Theileria sppin cattle lead to huge depreciation in terms of economy of farmer and mainly transmitted by Hyalomma and Rhipicephalus ticks. In the present study a total of ten cases suspected for theileriosis with the clinical signs such as elevated body temperature, enlarged superficial lymphodes, anaemia, tachycardia and presence of ticks over the body were studied. Further they were subjected to haematological examination, thin blood smear examination and further confirmed by PCR assay. The results revealed that, haematological examinations implicated severe anaemia whereas thin blood smear examination showed presence of pleomorphic theilerial organisms in the RBC’s and amplification of expected PCR product of 1098-bp by targeting theileria genus specific primers for the SSU rRNA gene confirming theileriosis in cattle. The affected animals were treated with Inj Buparvaquone @ 3.5 mg/Kg given deep intramuscularly once as anti-haemoprotozoan drug along with other supportive therapy followed for five days. The complete recovery was achieved from bovine theileriosis based on haematological examinations and amelioration of clinical signs in all the animals.