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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 5
Studies of insect and disease incidences in French bean genotypes under net-house conditions

Jitendra Kumar Meena, Anuj Gupta, BP Chamola and NC Pant

Twenty green bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were evaluated at Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Vegetable Crops, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from October to March in net-house and in open field conditions during the year 2008-09 and 2009-10. After 50-70 days of growth, the varieties were assessed for pest infestation, disease tolerance and growth characteristics. Genotypes Contender, FB-18 and DWP-FB-53 showed pest infestation and disease problem, where as resistance against insects and disease was observed in Falguni, Seville, Aperna, Cosmo, 504-64-C, FB-3, FB-1, FB-5, FB-6, FB-18 and FB-19 genotypes. There were significant differences among all surviving genotypes with respect to the total number of pods per plant, weight of pods per plant and pod length. Harvest quality of the genotypes was also evaluated and pest infestation contributed significantly to the low yields recorded for the green bean genotypes under the current study. The poor performance of the bean varieties could be attributed to the prevalence of pest and disease problems in the field. Results indicate that green bean cultivation is possible under net-house conditions, but with proper pest and disease management apart from use of resistant genotypes to important diseases of green bean such as brown rust.
Pages : 1147-1150 | 614 Views | 295 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Jitendra Kumar Meena, Anuj Gupta, BP Chamola, NC Pant. Studies of insect and disease incidences in French bean genotypes under net-house conditions. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(5):1147-1150.

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