Efficacy of combination insecticide and biopesticide against Phenacoccus solenopsis in laboratory condition on Okra
Hashib Ansari and Masarrat Haseeb
The bioefficacy studies on Phenacoccus solenopsis were studied in laboratory conditions on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) host plant. The study was conducted to evaluate the toxic effect of different insecticides at different concentrations against Phenacoccus solenopsis. Leaf-dip bioassays were achieved to measure the toxicity of combination insecticides and biopesticide. The results revealed that the highest mortality were recorded at 1% concentration of each treatment by Profenophos + cypermethrin (90%), Aza-d 1% (96.67%) followed by chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin (75%) and Aza-d 1% (96.67%) showed the significantly different result as compared to all other treatment. Lowest mortality was recorded by Triazophos + deltamethrin (39.33%), Verticillium (36.67%), Beauveria (34%) and Aza-d 0.1% (23.33%) after 12 hours. LC50 values were calculated, among all the value, 0.025 LC50 at 1% concentration of Azad-d 1500ppm gave the better result as compare to the other value of LC50. However among all the value of LT50 values among all the value calculated, LT50 1.2 hour in case of Profenophos + cypermethrin 44EC at 1% concentration was declared best.
Hashib Ansari, Masarrat Haseeb. Efficacy of combination insecticide and biopesticide against Phenacoccus solenopsis in laboratory condition on Okra. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(5):1185-1189.