Butterfly diversity in and around Ramtek Gadmandir forest area, central India
Barsagade DD, Tetwar PL and Thakare MP
Butterflies are most attractive insect in the world which have receive enormous amount of attention amoung all insects. They are part of life and an important component of its rich biodiversity. Watching and recording of butterfly species in and around Ramtek Gadmandir was done by using digital cameras during the month of August 2017 to August 2019. Total 30 species of butterflies was belonging to 20 genera and 5 families were recorded. The highest number of butterflies was recorded belonging to Family Nymphalidae (12 species), followed by Papilionidae (6 species), Pieridae (6 species), Lycaenidae (5 species) and minimum number of species were recorded from family Hesperiidae (1 species). Out of 30 species, 24% were very common, 46% were common, 24% were rare and 6% were very rare species respectively. Maximum species reported from June to December and its number decline from January onward.
Barsagade DD, Tetwar PL, Thakare MP. Butterfly diversity in and around Ramtek Gadmandir forest area, central India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(5):1202-1207.