Management of uterine torsion with incomplete dilatation of cervix by cesarean sections through flank incision at field level in a crossbred jersey cow
Prakash G, Arivuselvan, Arulkumar and Mathivathani K
A three years old jersey crossbred brought to the veterinary dispensary Avatti, department of animal husbandry vridhachalam division, Cuddalore district with history of having attained full term pregnancy and signs of labour for 12 hours. Diagnosis was done with per rectal and vaginal examination. Right side uterine torsion relieved and incomplete cervical dilatation was not responding with appropriate treatment. The left paralumbar fossa site was prepared for doing C section. Proper aseptic procedure was done on surgical site with hydrogen peroxide then scrubbed with povidone-iodine solution the surgical site was anesthetized by paravertebral nerve block at T13, L1-3 with infiltration of 2% lignocaine. Death male calf around 35 kg relieved from the incision site. Continuous cushing suture pattern, followed by continuous Lembert suture pattern was done to close the uterine wall. The animal was treated with proper treatment protocol. Skin sutures were removed at 15 days after surgery.
Prakash G, Arivuselvan, Arulkumar, Mathivathani K. Management of uterine torsion with incomplete dilatation of cervix by cesarean sections through flank incision at field level in a crossbred jersey cow. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(5):238-240.