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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 6
Taxonomic studies on Spilomelinae fauna associated with economically important flower crops of zone 1, 2 and 3 of Karnataka, India
Genital and morphological characters of adult <em>Glyphodes vertumnalis </em>Guenee (A. male; B. female; male genitalia, C. ventral view; D. dorsal view; E. aedeagus; F. female genitalia; G. male hind tibia with tuft of hairs on outer extreme region; H. wing venation)
Fig. 1: Genital and morphological characters of adult Glyphodes vertumnalis Guenee (A. male; B. female; male genitalia, C. ventral view; D. dorsal view; E. aedeagus; F. female genitalia; G. male hind tibia with tuft of hairs on outer extreme region; H. wing venation)
Genital and morphological characters of adult <em>Nausinoe geometralis </em>(Guenee) (A. male; B. female; male genitalia, C. ventral view; D. dorsal view; E. aedeagus; F. female genitalia; G. wing venation)
Fig. 2: Genital and morphological characters of adult Nausinoe geometralis (Guenee) (A. male; B. female; male genitalia, C. ventral view; D. dorsal view; E. aedeagus; F. female genitalia; G. wing venation)
Genital and morphological characters of adult <em>Nausinoe perspectata </em>(Fabricius) (A. female; B. female genitalia; C. wing venation)
Fig. 3: Genital and morphological characters of adult Nausinoe perspectata (Fabricius) (A. female; B. female genitalia; C. wing venation)
Genital and morphological characters of adult <em>Nausinoe peuritia </em>(Cramer) <strong>(</strong>A. female; B. female genitalia; C. wing venation)
Fig. 4: Genital and morphological characters of adult Nausinoe peuritia (Cramer) (A. female; B. female genitalia; C. wing venation)
Genital and morphological characters of adult <em>Palpita vitrealis </em>(Rossi) (A. male; B. female; male genitalia, C. ventral view; D. dorsal view; E. aedeagus; F. female genitalia; G. forewing usually has traces of two brown specks below the costa before middle one at each angle of cell; H. wing venation)
Fig. 5: Genital and morphological characters of adult Palpita vitrealis (Rossi) (A. male; B. female; male genitalia, C. ventral view; D. dorsal view; E. aedeagus; F. female genitalia; G. forewing usually has traces of two brown specks below the costa before middle one at each angle of cell; H. wing venation)

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