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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 6
First basic biochemical and physiological analysis of black kites during uttarayan: A comparison of injured versus healthy

S Jadhav, PV Mehere, CS Mote, VR Patodkar and LA Pangaogar

Black kites are important part of our ecosystem. The number of Black kites (Milvus migrans govinda) in India is declining year on year, with destruction of nesting and feeding sites being linked as a possible cause . As such it is vitally important we preserve this species, and can efficiently and effectively treat those that are injured, to improve their welfare and prevent future decline in their numbers. The purpose of this study was to compare biochemical and haematological parameters as there is no data available for this species in literature from India. In this study we have performed the biochemical and haematological parameters on four groups of black kite birds Amputation kites (Group A), pox kites mostly young birds (Group B), Healthy releasable birds from kite string injury (Group C), Control group (Group D). Our results shows that SGPT level in group C was highest compared to other groups. ALP level was highest in group B. K, Ca and PO4 level did not show any siggnificant increase or decrease. RBC levels were significantly lower in group B compared to other goups. Total protein levels did not show any significant difference amongst the group. CpK level was highest in group B compared to the other groups. Uric acid level did not show any significant difference. This is the first study where we have done biochemical and physiological analysis injured and pox lesioned Black kites from India during the kite festival.
Pages : 179-182 | 689 Views | 160 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
S Jadhav, PV Mehere, CS Mote, VR Patodkar, LA Pangaogar. First basic biochemical and physiological analysis of black kites during uttarayan: A comparison of injured versus healthy. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(6):179-182.

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