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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 6
Fish diversity and fisheries of kotwal reservoir, Morena, Madhya Pradesh

Kamal Narway, Srijit Chakravarty, Abhinika Jain, GH Pailan and Subrata Dasgupta

Sustainability of fish production as well as livelihood generation from reservoirs depends on the appropriate management measures. The present study aims to generate data on fish diversity and fisheries of the Kotwal reservoir, Morena, Madhya Pradesh, India and suggests probable remedial measures to make the production sustainable. 29 species of fishes belong to 21 genera, 11 families and 7 orders have been recorded from the Kotwal reservoir. The largest representation was recorded for Cypriniformes order with 1 family, 9 genera and 15 species. Seasonal variation in fish production was very distinct as the production was 30-35% higherin summer months compared to winter months (500-600 kg/Ha). The fish composition includes two species (Ompok bimaculatus and Wallago attu), which included as Near Threatened (NT) category in IUCN list. The study depicted various craft and gears, which were in use for catching fish in the reservoir. Besides, the study elucidated the packaging and marketing process of the fish catch. A note on various governmental programs and schemes in uplifting the fisheries and the socio-economic status of fishermen associated with this reservoir have been documented as a baseline data for the further studies.
Map view of Kotwal Reservoir
Fig. 1: Map view of Kotwal Reservoir
Satellite View of Kotwal Reservoir
Fig. 2: Satellite View of Kotwal Reservoir
Family wise representation of species in Kotwal reservoir
Fig. 3: Family wise representation of species in Kotwal reservoir
Pages : 316-323 | 1009 Views | 441 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Kamal Narway, Srijit Chakravarty, Abhinika Jain, GH Pailan, Subrata Dasgupta. Fish diversity and fisheries of kotwal reservoir, Morena, Madhya Pradesh. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(6):316-323.

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