Oxidative enzyme and biochemical changes in sweet sorghum infested by shootfy
Ingle AU, Kusalkar DV, Gare SS, Dalvi US, Shinde MS, Kute NS and Gadakh SR
This research investigation carried out with an objective to detecting the oxidative enzymes and protein activities in sweet sorghum plants and their role in resistance against shootfly in sweet sorghum. Total soluble protein and chlorophyll content were estimated higher in susceptible genotypes as compared to resistant. Susceptible genotypes showing maximum decreased rate of chlorophyll content as compared to resistant genotypes. The resistant genotypes viz., IS-18360, RSSV-260 and RSSV-167 recorded significantly lower soluble protein as compare to susceptible genotypes, SSV-84, RSSV-269 and RSSV-493. The average polyphenol oxidase activity was more in infected plant as compared to non-infected plant, means it was observed that activity of polyphenol oxidase increased after the infection of shootfly. It was observed that activity of peroxidase increased after the infection by shootfly which was higher in the resistant parents as compared to susceptible parents. Highest value for peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity recorded by the resistant parent IS-18360 and RSSV-260, it means parents showing the resistance mechanisms with higher activity of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase enzyme.
Enzymatic activities suggested that the shootfly feeding leads to a loss in POX (Plant Oxidative Enzymes) activity in susceptible sweet sorghum genotypes. However, resistance genotypes may be able to tolerate shootfly feeding by increasing their POX activity. These biochemical characters can be used as marker traits in shootfly resistance breeding programme to broaden the genetic base and increase the level of resistance to sorghum shootfly.
Fig. 1: Polyphenol oxidase activity in sweet sorghum genotypes after infestation by shootfly
Fig. 2: Peroxidase activity in sweet sorghum genotypes after infestation by shootfly