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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 6
Pathomorphological diagnosis of Hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome in poultry: A case report

Rahul Singh, Varun Bassessar, Priynka Rani, ML Mehra and Shagufta Azmi

Hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome (HHS) is one of the important viral disease of poultry caused by adenoviral infection and its associated with economic losses in poultry industry throughout world. The present study describes cases of HHS in poultry, which was presented for necropsy to the Department of Veterinary Pathology, Khalsa College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Amritsar. Grossly, lesions included, pale, friable liver with contained numerous focal to coalescing pale necrotic areas and swollen kidneys with alternating areas of pale and hemorrhagic parenchyma; the bursa of Fabricius was enlarged and edematous. In heart varying degrees of hydropericardium containing clear, straw colored fluid (Pathognomonic lesion) was recorded. The histopathological lesions in the liver congestion, areas of focal hemorrhages and hepatitis. The hepatic cords in majority of the cases were dissociated and moderate number of hepatocytes showed varying degrees of fatty changes and necrotic changes. Based on gross and characteristic microscopic findings, the HHS was diagnosed in poultry.
Hepatitis–hydropericardium syndrome in poultry: Enlarged, pale, friable liver with areas of congestion (inset; liver with contained numerous focal to coalescing pale necrotic areas) and pericardial sac containing clear straw colored fluid transudate (arrows)
Fig. 1: Hepatitis–hydropericardium syndrome in poultry: Enlarged, pale, friable liver with areas of congestion (inset; liver with contained numerous focal to coalescing pale necrotic areas) and pericardial sac containing clear straw colored fluid transudate (arrows)
Hepatitis–hydropericardium syndrome in poultry Swollen kidneys with alternating areas of pale and hemorrhagic parenchyma (arrows) of poultry affected with HHS
Fig. 2: Hepatitis–hydropericardium syndrome in poultry Swollen kidneys with alternating areas of pale and hemorrhagic parenchyma (arrows) of poultry affected with HHS
Hepatitis–hydropericardium syndrome in poultry: Enlarged and hemorrhagic parenchyma of spleen of poultry affected with HHS (arrows)
Fig. 3: Hepatitis–hydropericardium syndrome in poultry: Enlarged and hemorrhagic parenchyma of spleen of poultry affected with HHS (arrows)
Pages : 621-623 | 1077 Views | 476 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Rahul Singh, Varun Bassessar, Priynka Rani, ML Mehra, Shagufta Azmi. Pathomorphological diagnosis of Hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome in poultry: A case report. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(6):621-623.

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