The study was conducted to evaluate the growth performance of Hansli × CSML birds under intensive and semi-intensive systems of management. 186 day old chicks were brooded up to 6 weeks of age and then divided and reared separately under the two systems. The mean body weight, feed intake and FCR of birds at the end of 20th week of age, under intensive system were significantly higher (P≤0.05) than that under semi-intensive system. Mortality during 0-6 weeks of age (chick stage) was recorded as 3.22 %. Mortality recorded during 7-20 weeks (grower stage) under intensive system was lower than that under semi-intensive system. From the study, it was concluded that, with humble supplementation and availability of scavenging feed resources, semi-intensive system of chicken rearing, is more favourable for the small holder poultry keepers.