Integrated management of Meloidogyne graminicola Golden & Birchfield in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa Linn.)
Arun Rathod, Kusal Roy and Jayita Hore
An experiment was carried out to find out the integrated management practice against Meloidogyne graminicola on transplanted rice cv. IET- 4094 (Khitish) at the Central Research Farm, Gayeshpur, BCKV, Nadia, West Bengal, India during kharif season of 2013 and 2014. The study revealed that soil solarization combined with main field application of carbofuran 3G (T3), nursery + main field application of carbofuran 3G (T6) and nursery + main field application of cartap hydrochloride 4G (T7) recorded better growth and yield attributes of rice in comparison to the other treatments. The heading process of rice in T3 and T6 was enhanced by 2.7 days and 2.8 days, respectively in comparison to the untreated one. Number of galls per rice seedlings (raised in the nursery0 at transplanting was found considerably low in all the adopted nursery treatments (soil solarization with 25µm thick transparent plastic, carbofuran 3G @ 0.3g a.i./m2, Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 20g/m2 along with FYM @ 50g/m2 and cartap hydrochloride 4G @ 0.1g a.i./m2). The reduction of galls in rice seedling was varied from 74.2% to 78.7%; the maximum being 78.7% in soil solarized plot. The severity of root-knot disease measured in terms of per cent weighted nematode rating (WNR) at harvest was significantly low in T3, T6 and T7. Final WNR was varied from 19.43% to 22.55% among the mentioned treatments with the least from T3. Adoption of nursery treatment alone failed to keep the M. graminicola population low. Nursery treatment coupled with main field nematicide application after 45 days of transplanting succeeded to manage the nematode population. Final soil and root population of M. graminicola J2 was found the lowest inT3 and was nearly followed by T6 and T7. Reduction of final M. graminicola population over control varied from 41.3% to 71.8% among the mentioned treatments with the maximum being, 71.8% from T3. The maximum grain (2.315 t/ha) and straw yield (2.147t/ha) were noted in T3. The net return was found maximum of Rs. 11426.00/ha in T6. Incremental benefit cost ratio was found maximum (8.31) with nursery application of carbofuran 3G @ 0.3g a.i./m2 (T4). The return per rupee investment in treatment was estimated as Rs. 5.35 and Rs. 4.42 in T7 and T6, respectively. Root-knot nematode population went on increasing where the treatments did not receive any nematicidal application in the main field. Due to short life cycle, M. graminicola populations build up rapidly. It is recommended that, to ensure higher rice yield, M. graminicola populations should be maintained at low density by adopting suitable management tactics in the main field. The study suggests to adopt the nursery application of carbofuran 3G @ 0.3g a.i./m2 + main field application of carbofuran 3G @ 1 kg a.i./ha at 45 DAT to bring down the population of M. graminicola for ensuring the increased productivity of rice.