Management of total uterine prolapse at field level in none descript cow: A case report
Prakash G and Mathivathani K
Uterine prolapse is basically the eversion of the uterus whereby it is turned inside out from its original location. Cows it mostly occurs within a few hours after calving. The condition is usually associated with hypocalcemia, which results in a lack of uterine tone and delayed cervical involution. Animal with case history of 6 years old non descript cow calved live female calf 2 hours before and entire uterus was prolapsed. The uterine prolapse was corrected to the normal position under epidural anesthesia, lubricated with cetrimide cream and retention made through Buhners technique. Suture removed after a week. Uterine prolapsed is an emergency situation and it has to be given professional assistance as soon as possible to enhance the prognosis. Proper reduction, reposition, and retention are crucial to prevent recurrence.
Prakash G, Mathivathani K. Management of total uterine prolapse at field level in none descript cow: A case report. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(6):349-350.