Aakanksha Harit, Rajeev Ranjan Kumar and Stuti Vatsya
Trypanosoma evansi affects a wide range of host like cattle, buffalo, dog, horse and camel including man. Trypanosomosis in buffaloes is highly prevalent in Indian subcontinent. This communication deals with the clinical management of cerebral trypanosomosis in a4-year-old adult buffalo from Chirkhatta forest region of Lalkuan, District Nainital, Uttarakhand. The animal was presented with the history of dull and depressed appearance with generalised weakness, intermittent fever (39.5-400 C), nervous signs like circling movements, hyperaesthesia, twitching of muscles, pressing of head against the manger, staggering gait and stamping of feet. The case was suspected for nervous form of trypanosomosis. Confirmatory diagnosis was made using microscopic examination of thin blood smear stained with Giemsa stain that revealed the presence of intercellular flagellated hemoprotozoan, Trypanosoma evansi. The successful therapeutic management was attained by administration of single injection of Triquin @ 6 mg/kg body weight via subcutaneous route followed by supportive drugs. A gradual reduction was observed in nervous signs after 5 days post treatment. The clinical signs completely disappeared after a week. Peripheral blood smear was again examined 7 days post treatment and found negative for Trypanosoma evansi.