The prevalence of wax moth and associated risk factors in selected districts of Arsi Zone
Mulualem Ambaw, Teklemedhn Teklehaimanot and Mezgeb workye
The beekeeping sector is constrained different honey bee disease and pests’. The most commonly known honey bee diseases and pests so far reported in Ethiopia are chock brood, nosema, ameba, ants, varoa mites, spider, lizard and wax moth. Wax moth is one of the most economically important and prevalent pest found in Ethiopian. A cross-sectional study was carried out from May 10, 2016 to September 15 2017 in the two districts of Arsi Zone to identify cause of colony, dwindle, absconding and the prevalence of wax moth. A total of 320 bee hives with and without bee colonies were inspected internally and externally during the study period. During external hive inspection, any abnormalities, like stained hive entrance, pests, disease symptoms, death of bees, and paralysis of adult bees were recorded in the record book. Presence of colony mass death, presence of adult and larval stages of wax moth, varoa mite, bee lice and hive beetles were also investigated during internal inspection. Spider net, ants and, wax moth were frequently observed pests ranked as 1st, 2nd and3rd regardless of hive type. In addition dormant and active larval stages with its cocoons, webs and debris together with adult wax moth flies were identified. The overall prevalence of wax moth in bee hive was found to be (22%). The majority of the colonies infested with wax moth were from box hive (33.3%) followed by traditional (11.5%). Prevalence was significantly higher X2 = 31; P=0.001 in box hive than transitional and traditional one. The prevalence was statistically significant X2= 50; P=0.001 in weak honey bee colonies than strong and moderate ones. Wax moth larval infestation and severity was higher in absconded and week colonies managed in box hive which, wax moth is considered as the major cause of colony dwindle and absconding in the study areas. Lack of proper management of the colony is one of the major problems for wax moth and other pest infestation, so to combat the problem; awareness creation should be done on proper colony management in the study areas.