Hydroallantois in buffaloes: Effect of transcervical or transabdominal paracentesis on survival of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) induced to parturition
Swati Ruhil, Sandeep Potliya, Ankit Kumar and Ranbir Singh Bisla
The aim of present study was to analyze the medical termination of pregnancy in buffaloes with hydroallantois with or without paracentesis. Eleven buffaloes were randomly divided in two groups (G1 and G2). G1 (n=6) buffaloes were induced to parturate along with paracentesis of uterus following two different approaches while G2 (n=5) buffaloes were induced to parturate without paracentesis. Statistical analysis of Hemato-biochemical parameters of both groups (G1and G2) revealed total leukocyte count and glucose values differ significantly in both groups as compared to control. 40% mortality was recorded in G2 buffaloes during first 30 hours post calving while all buffaloes of G1 survived and recovered well. 80% of G2 buffaloes retained the fetal membranes while only 33% of G1 buffaloes retained fetal membranes. Low milk production by G2 buffaloes were recorded compared to G1 buffaloes. Hence, it was concluded that paracentesis may reduce the clinical effects of sudden fluid loss in buffaloes affected with hydroallantois induced to parturition. For paracentesis either technique: trans-cervical or paracentesis of uterus via abdomen can be implemented effectively to drain the allantoic fluid without any ill effects on animal health.