Survey studies on beekeeping with Apis mellifera in Himachal Pradesh: Beekeeper’s prospective
Neha Negi, Meena Thakur, Harish Kumar Sharma and Kiran Rana
Survey studies were conducted in three districts of Himachal Pradesh viz., Kangra, Kinnaur and Solan during the period 2016-17. Information on various parameters and practices followed for Apis mellifera rearing viz., brood diseases, awareness, and management practices adopted by beekeepers for maintenance of bee colonies, honey storage practices and migratory route followed by the beekeepers was gathered in questionnaires from randomly selected beekeepers in the districts and compiled. Ectoparasitic mites, European foulbrood, sacbrood, Nosema diseases and attack of wasps, birds and bear, though low, was prevalent in the beekeepers apiaries and sulphur dusting, fumigation of formic acid for diseases and hand killing for wasps were the commonly followed management practices. Winter packaging, regular checking of apiary and artificial feeding was done by the beekeepers, Stainless steel containers were commonly used for storage of honey.