Effect of weather parameters on population dynamics of pollen beetle, Oxycetonia versicolor fab infesting okra
Patel MM, Shah KD, Ghelani MK, Kaneria PB and Patel KR
Present investigation on population dynamics against Pollen beetle, Oxycetonia versicolor F. infesting okra. Dominant invertebrate animal, insect, have capacity to change their behavior and habitat with the changing of the environment and so, it is necessary to see the impact of changing pattern in abiotic factors on Pollen beetle infesting Okra with provide information regarding this utility. The results showed that the population (18.33%) was started from 2nd week of August (33th SMW) and showed its peak (55.15%) during 1st week of September (36th SMW). In subsequent weeks, the population was decreased and reached to 8.77% during week of September (39th SMW). Association between O. versicolor infestation and weather factors indicated that there was negative significant impact due to maximum temperature (-0.726*) on incidence of pollen beetle. Morning relative humidity (RH1 0.791*) and rainfall (0.704*) were positively significantly correlated with the population of Pollen beetle.
Patel MM, Shah KD, Ghelani MK, Kaneria PB, Patel KR. Effect of weather parameters on population dynamics of pollen beetle, Oxycetonia versicolor fab infesting okra. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(1):325-327.