During the present study the seasonal incidence of chilli thrips [Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood)] on chilli under agro-climatic condition of Allahabad, at Central research farm, SHUATS, Naini, Allahabad during kharif season of July to November 2016 was analyzed Initial incidence of the chilli thrips was noticed on the 37th standard week (September third week) with an average population of 0.32 insect/plant. The chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis population increased and gradually reached the peak level of 6.75 insect / plant at 45th standard week (November second week). At that time, average maximum temperature was 37.77 oC and minimum temperature was 21.42 0C, average morning relative humidity was 86.28% and evening 45.42%, average wind velocity was 1.09 km/hour and average sun shine hour was 7.34 hours. There after declined trend was observed due to fall of maximum and minimum temperatures as optimum weather condition are decreasing.