Seasonal incidence of sesame leaf and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis (dup.) on sesame in relation to weather parameters
Ajay Kumar Yadav, Dr. Akhter Hussain, Dr. SK Khinchi, Dr. BL Jat and Dr. KC Kumawat
Investigations on seasonal incidence of sesame leaf and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis (Dup.) on sesame was carried out at Agronomy farm of S.K.N. College of Agriculture, Jobner (Rajasthan). The incidence of leaf and capsule borer population was recorded in the 33rd standard meteorological week (SMW) and initially, it was 6.40 larvae/ five plants. The population (7.00 larvae/ five plants) gradually increased and reached its peak in 35th SMW and gradually declined thereafter and again increased (in the 39th SMW 6.20 larvae/ five plants) and observed in traces thereafter. The population of this pest had significant negative correlation (r= -0.69) with maximum temperature, while, minimum temperature, relative humidity and rainfall had positive significant correlation (r= 0.85, 0.88 and 0.73), respectively. The leaf damage done by leaf and capsule borer was noticed in the 33rd SMW. Maximum leaf damage of 17.51 per cent and capsule damage of 11.97 per cent by leaf and capsule borer was recorded in 35th and 39th SMW, respectively. The total damage caused by this pest was in the range of 7.80 – 17.51 per cent. The total damage (both capsule and leaf damage) caused by leaf and capsule borer had significant negative correlation with maximum temperature(r= -0.70), while, significant positive correlation with minimum temperature (r= 0.73) and relative humidity (r= 0.80). The rainfall showed non-significant correlation (r= 0.65) with the total damage caused by the leaf roller and capsule borer.
Ajay Kumar Yadav, Dr. Akhter Hussain, Dr. SK Khinchi, Dr. BL Jat, Dr. KC Kumawat. Seasonal incidence of sesame leaf and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis (dup.) on sesame in relation to weather parameters. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(1):411-413.